LAMINAR WASH™ Auto 1000 System

Accelerate high-throughput flow and mass cytometry workflows with fully automated sample preparation.

The Laminar Wash AUTO 1000 System eliminates time-consuming and labor-intensive manual pipetting and handling by automating the complete surface and intracellular staining workflow for flow and mass cytometry. You get all the benefits of laminar washing in a completely automated system.


Laminar Washing Technology

Gentle cell washing in a 96-well format.

Optimized Deck Layout

A completely contained system for washer maintenance plates, washer load tray,
heater/shaker, cooling device, reagent/buffer plates, input/output stacks and tips.

Laminar Wash AUTO Software

The user-friendly software interface allows sample-specific modifications
to methods and comes with pre-programmed protocols to ensure user consistency.

What the AUTO 1000 delivers:

Technology overview

Achieve truly high throughput suspension cell sample preparation

The Laminar Wash AUTO 1000 is a completely hands-off automated platform to dispense, fix/permeabilize, stain, wash, and transfer samples for flow and mass cytometry. The system comes ready to use with a pre-programmed sample preparation workflow. Automation novices and experts alike can easily program a custom workflow using the intuitive user interface.

“The Laminar Wash’s performance allows us to get very tight control over populations with very tight CV’s largely due to the fact of the clear separations between populations. The maintained ability to detect rare populations is important as we detect the next round of cell therapy products.”


Compared to a traditional, centrifuge-driven cell washing workflow, laminar cell washing is simpler and faster. With the AUTO 1000, you can prepare 16 samples in just 6 minutes.

Scientific Data

Automated laminar washing technology delivers good consistency and increased retention of low input T cell numbers from freshly thawed PBMC

When performing cell dissociation in tumor bearing tissues, the tissue debris and enzymatic-induced fragments are primary factors affecting cell recovery for tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. For more invasive and immunologically challenging models, like B16F10-inoculated mice, recovery of limited numbers of TILs reduces chances for accurate characterization. The results shown here were demonstrated with an unchallenged mouse sample and the Laminar Wash technology. Laminar washing (with 1,000,000 tumor infiltrate cells) reveals increased viable cell count and reduced debris effects by laminar washing. The cleaner sample preparation increases lymphocyte recovery up to 90.6% as compared to centrifuge-harsh washing of 10.5%.

Simple and straightforward reproducibility with Laminar Wash Automation

Complement-dependent cytotoxic crossmatch (CDCXM) and flow cytometric crossmatch (FXCM) are both common methods to predict donor-recipient compatibility – the potential success of an organ transplant. FCXM assays are more widely applied across human leukocyte antigen (HLA) labs. FXCM utilizes the use of multiple washing steps, serum treatment and secondary antibody used. Results between the centrifugation-based and Laminar Washing methods within 8 replicates and 3 test sera and 2 controls show average CVs of 12.4% vs 7.9% respectively. With Laminar Wash technology, greater consistency was seen on the Median Channel Fluorescence values gated on B-cells. The ratio of positive crossmatch yielded a higher shift while maintaining a lower MCF value for the negative background. This is attributed by a superior wash and accuracy in matrix serum handling with primary patient cells.


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